What a great evening this will be, microcontrollers are so fun to play with :-)
onsdag 16. mai 2012
Later today, I will need to soldering together a couple of freeduino's I just received. I have a couple of these already. One of them I'm using for my carport system and the other one are just for testing embedded programs I write - just for pure fun.
torsdag 19. april 2012
Qt 4 and 5 installation, building and setup on Rasberry Pi.
One of the notes on the linke above:
One of the notes on the linke above:
Linux Platform
If you are not interested in building everything yourself then consider:
- the pre-built Debian snapshots
- the QtonPi project, which aims to build a more complete end-to-end Qt stack specifically targeting the Raspberry Pi.
The Raspberry Pi Foundation provides a few different distributions. This documentation is tested on the Debian "Squeeze" image, which can be downloaded here. The images come with the needed packages for the VideoCore GPU and a suitable kernel. Additionally there are three different start.elf files located in /boot. Those are GPU binary firmware images, provided by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, which can be used to select the amount of memory available for the GPU.
tirsdag 17. april 2012
QtonPi education software project page
The project information relating to educational software for the QtonPi Device project are registrated here.
QtonPi released
I just got this email, and will be installing it lather today. I'm really excited about this release :-))
Hi All,
On behalf of QtonPi contributors, I'm happy to announce that we've
released 0.1 version of QtonPi platform today.
You can find download instructions here,
We invite your participation and contributions to QtonPi project. Kindly
please use QtonPi JIRA [1] to report bugs on this release.
As indicated in our roadmap [2], pre 1.0 releases will be based on,
* Base Layer
- Fedora RPM Packages plus some additional Raspberry Pi specific
- Linaro GCC 4.5.4 toolchain
- QtonPi image creator and sysroot tools
* Middleware
- Documentation on how to get toolchain + sysroot + Qt Creator working
to Develop Apps
- Qt 5 running on full-screen EGFS mode
You can find all of the above in the release.
For getting started instructions on QtonPi, please go here,
We've currently included a pre-alpha release of Qt 5. We'll shortly
update this release with Qt 5 alpha.
Also this release took a few weeks longer than expected as we were
figuring out how to get our release posted on Raspberry Pi Foundation
Hi All,
On behalf of QtonPi contributors, I'm happy to announce that we've
released 0.1 version of QtonPi platform today.
You can find download instructions here,
We invite your participation and contributions to QtonPi project. Kindly
please use QtonPi JIRA [1] to report bugs on this release.
As indicated in our roadmap [2], pre 1.0 releases will be based on,
* Base Layer
- Fedora RPM Packages plus some additional Raspberry Pi specific
- Linaro GCC 4.5.4 toolchain
- QtonPi image creator and sysroot tools
* Middleware
- Documentation on how to get toolchain + sysroot + Qt Creator working
to Develop Apps
- Qt 5 running on full-screen EGFS mode
You can find all of the above in the release.
For getting started instructions on QtonPi, please go here,
We've currently included a pre-alpha release of Qt 5. We'll shortly
update this release with Qt 5 alpha.
Also this release took a few weeks longer than expected as we were
figuring out how to get our release posted on Raspberry Pi Foundation
Rasberry PI and Qt dev links
While I'm waiting for the boards, I have made a debian virtual box image that I'm developing on. Here are some links that I have found relevant to my project (development on Rasberry PI):
- Good blogg about the Pi
- I'm using Qt on Pi
- QtOnPI are using Fedora 14 Remix and you could download it here.
- The Rasberry Pi has now passed CE and FCC regulation
- Qt Centre
- Qt documentation
tirsdag 10. april 2012
Commodore Business Machines (CBM)
Rest in peace, Jack Tramiel, the founder of Commodore Business Machines
with products like VIC-20 and Commondore 64! He died on April 8, 2012
of unknown causes at the age of 83.
mandag 5. mars 2012
This blog will be sleeping a couple of months or so until I get some Rasberry Pi cards. I already have purchased some Freeduino's and some basic shields, but I need some more hw to start experimenting serious in this blog.
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